
Analytical Psychology (also known as Depth Psychology) refers to the field of psychology developed by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961).  First and foremost, it is a psychology of the unconscious.  Essentially, this means dealing with all that we don’t know about ourselves.  

When we enter Jungian analysis, we are working to establish an effective relationship between the ego and the unconscious.  The work can be likened to building a bridge and we do this in order to facilitate self-knowledge, healing and, ultimately, transformation. 

The best way to build this bridge between the ego and the unconscious is via our dreams.  The dreams come to us from a place beyond our conscious selves.  They don’t make sense, not at first anyway, but they carry vital information with them that give us insight into our inner workings.  Hence, dream interpretation is vitally important in the analytical process. 

Often clients start analysis worried that they don’t remember their dreams.  It is not uncommon.  However, it is also the case that once we start looking for our dreams, they do come.  And, even then, in the cases when clients don’t recall their dreams, work can still progress meaningfully by using other methods of accessing the unconscious, such as synchronicity, active imagination and creative work.

Jungian analysis is deep work that can be an incredibly life-giving and profoundly rewarding experience.